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6 Easy Ways to Make Thank-You Notes Fun for Kids

6 Easy Ways to Make Thank-You Notes Fun for Kids

Do you send thank-you notes for Christmas gifts and birthday presents? Handwritten appreciation is an important part of your social correspondence. And it’s never too early to involve your kids.

Thank-you notes are less accessible than email, phone calls, and text messages. You might wonder if they’re still important in the digital era. They are.

Thank-you notes can mean so much to a gift giver, and a child’s written note is priceless. Today, I’ll share six easy ways to make thank-you notes fun for kids.

Let’s get started!

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Thank-You Notes Are Important

Thank-you notes are always a good idea, but they’re especially important for gifts that arrive by mail. If you fail to acknowledge a gift, the sender may wonder if you actually received it.

When you can’t write a note immediately, it’s fine to express your gratitude by phone or email. But make sure you follow up with a handwritten note as soon as possible.

Your thank-you note can be a heartfelt letter on elegant stationery or a short scribble on a postcard. A designer greeting card or a child’s crayon drawing. Whatever form it takes, the recipient will appreciate your effort and thoughtfulness.

Cultivate Gratitude at Home

This Christmas, cultivate a culture of gratitude at home. Send a thank-you note for every gift you receive, and encourage your children to do the same.

It’s never too early for kids to learn about gratitude. If they can hold a crayon, they can color a thank-you note. Before you mail their creations, add a personal note to express how much they enjoy their gifts.

If your children are young and learning to write, help them print their notes. Ask them what they like about their gifts, and give them a short message to copy. Supervise your older kids as they craft their own messages.

How to Make Thank-You Notes Fun

Need some ideas to help your kids write their thank-you notes? Magazines like Parents and Real Simple offer real-world tips from parents like you. I encourage you to read them.

For now, here are some ideas based on my experience as a preschool teacher, librarian, and stepmom. Six easy ways to make thank-you notes fun for kids as you teach them about gratitude.

6 Easy Ways to Make Thank-You Notes Fun for Kids

1. Fill Their Stockings

To get your kids in the thank-you habit, tuck a pack of note cards in their Christmas stockings.

Fill-in cards, like those here and here, are ideal for young children. Personalized cards are good for older kids.

2. Schedule Note Time

You can’t teach children about gratitude by rushing or nagging them. Schedule a specific time to write thank-you notes, and make it a family event.

Gather all your supplies (address book, crayons, pens, stamps, stickers. Then prepare a healthy snack and settle in with the kids.

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3. Play With Words

Give your kids a list of synonyms to use in their thank-you notes. For example: awesome, fantastic, marvelous, and super. Encourage them to use a different word in each note. Award prizes for creativity.

4. Make Photo Cards

As a parent, you take a lot of pictures at holiday and birthday parties. Turn the photos into cards. Have your kids pick out their favorite shots, and attach the photos to card stock. Finish with a personalized, handwritten note.

5. Enlist Your Guests

When your guests arrive for a party, ask each of them to write their address on an envelope. Put all the envelopes in a basket, draw a name during the party, and award a prize. When it’s time to send thank-you notes, your envelopes are ready to go.

6. Send Notes to Kids

As you write your own thank-you notes, don’t forget to send notes to children who gave you a gift. Kids learn by example, and this is a great way to teach them about gratitude and manners.

Wrapping It Up

Thank-you notes don’t have to be fancy or expensive. They don’t have to be long or complicated, either. They should be personal, heartfelt, and sincere. And they usually sound more sincere when you write (and send) them soon.

This year, encourage your kids to write thank-you notes for their Christmas gifts. Downplay the obligation and highlight the gratitude. Focus on fun and get creative.

Make what could be a boring task into a fun event your kids will want to engage in. They’ll learn important lessons – and take some of the burden off you. ◻️

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6 Easy Ways to Make Thank-You Notes Fun for Kids

Now It’s Your Turn

Thank you for reading my post. Now it’s YOUR turn to chime in. How do you cultivate gratitude at home? What thank-you note tips will you implement with your kids this year?

Let’s fill the comments with friendly conversation. Scroll down to leave a reply, ask a question, or just say hello. And if you liked this post, please give it a share.

Blessings, Annette

📋 NOTE – You are reading “6 Easy Ways to Make Thank-You Notes Fun for Kids.” An earlier version appeared on Blogger in 2015. It has been updated for the Savoring Home community.

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Written by
Annette R. Smith
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