Hi, I’m Annette Smith. And this is Savoring Home, a lifestyle blog about home, family, and faith. Here is where I share my love of home – the people and the place.
My mission is to help you love YOUR home and the everyday life you’re called to live. To that end, I’ve created a growing catalog of articles, tools, and resources just for you.
So have a look around. Stay awhile and get to know me better. And may you find fresh inspiration for loving your home.
My Blog
Savoring Home is a lifestyle blog about home, family, and faith. While my posts definitely have YOU in mind, they also reflect what I love most:
- Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior
- Mitchell Smith, my awesome husband
- our sweet and cozy Florida home
Our current home is a little stucco cottage in Grand Island, Florida – a lake community northwest of Orlando. Before we built our house, we lived in a city apartment. City life had its perks, but we SO enjoy small town living.

My Story
Since you’re reading this page, you may wonder “Who IS Annette Smith?” Well … I’m a Christian, a wife, a homemaker, and a writer. In that order. Every day, I learn more about God – and more about savoring home.
Before I started this blogging journey, I was a preschool teacher, a librarian, and a foster home developer. But not all at once! I spent most of my life in the library world.
I was a homebody when I met Mitch, but he had itchy feet. And after we married, I adopted his gypsy lifestyle. We moved eight times in nine years!
Life is such an adventure. And it’s one reason I love blogging. I can take my virtual desk anywhere the wind blows and the Lord leads.
My Family
Mitch and I have been married for almost twelve years. Although we have different interests, we share a heart for God and a willingness to serve where Him. We also share the same life verse: Proverbs 3:5-6.
Old movies, Christian music, Asian buffets … these are a few of our favorite things.
We adore our furry felines. They are more than pets, they’re family. And we’re always thrilled when our adult son, Wesley, comes for a visit.
My Writing
While I consider myself a full-time homemaker, I also work from home – as a freelance writer, a lifestyle blogger, and a social media evaluator.
Some of my work involves ghostwriting and search engine optimization (SEO). My by-lined articles appear on Footprints of Fayette and HubPages.
I started Savoring Home in 2013, and much of my work involves building this blog. I also work part-time for Appen, a global language and technology company.
Now It’s Your Turn
Welcome again to Savoring Home. Now it’s YOUR turn to chime in. What do you want to read about on this blog? Contact me here to share your ideas.
Better yet, pick a blog post to read, introduce yourself in the comments, and tell me something about YOU. I look forward to meeting you, and I hope you enjoy your stay.
Blessings, Annette