What does it mean to be a Christian wife and homemaker? During my single years, I read a lot of books about this. I wanted to be ready and prepared – just in case God blessed me with a husband.
Of course, I also read the Bible for God’s perspective on marriage and biblical homemaking. His Word taught me so much about what it means to be a woman of God – single or married. Now, as a full-time homemaker who’s also a wife and stepmom, I get to apply His lessons every day.
Are you trying to understand YOUR role in marriage or at home? Do you wonder what it means to be a Christian wife? Or what it means to practice biblical homemaking?
Let’s find out.
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Bible Verses for Wives and Homemakers
Elizabeth George is a prolific Christian author and speaker. She’s written more than 80 books focused on Christian living and personal Bible study. And she always encourages women to start with the Bible for answers to their questions.
The Bible has so much to say about a woman’s role in marriage and the home. Meaningful verses for wives and homemakers, and George references them in her books. Today, I’ll share five of them. As a woman with a heart for God, you are to:
- gain wisdom,
- build your home,
- watch over your home,
- manage your home,
- keep your home.
The following scriptures touch on each of these aspects of homemaking. They help explain the homemaker role from God’s perspective. As a Christian wife – or a single woman who desires marriage – please consider this guidance. It will make all the difference in your relationships and home life.
📋 RECOMMENDED – A Wife After God’s Own Heart by Elizabeth George, and A Husband After God’s Own Heart by Jim George. Excellent companion books.

1. Gain Wisdom
Proverbs 24:3-4 – This verse says wisdom builds your home, understanding establishes it, and “by knowledge the rooms are filled” with “precious and pleasant riches.” You gain wisdom, knowledge, and understanding by reading and studying the Word of God.
Question: Do you have a daily quiet time with the Lord?
📖 READ – 7 Reasons Why You Need Quiet Time With God Every Day
2. Build Your Home
Proverbs 14:1 says “the wise woman builds her house, but the foolish tears it down with her own hands.” A godly wife pours her efforts into building her home and increasing its wealth. A foolish wife devalues her home through mismanagement.
Question: Are you building your home or tearing it down?
📖 READ – How to Manage Your Money Better: 7 Tips for Couples
3. Watch Over Your Home
Proverbs 31:27 says a godly wife “watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.” She’s a dedicated and hardworking woman who tends her garden with care. A modern Christian wife follows in her footsteps.
Question: Are you taking care of your home?
📖 READ – 10 Questions That Will Help You Tend Your Garden
4. Manage Your Home
In 1 Timothy 5:13-14, Paul makes it clear that women should have a home to manage. He advised against idleness, laziness, and gossip. Though his words addressed young widows, his message applies to all women.
Question: Are you managing your home?
📖 READ – Does Homemaking Matter? What You Should Know
5. Keep Your Home
Titus 2:5 provides the standard for all wives and homemakers who want to live by God’s principles. Wives should be “discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, [and] obedient to their own husbands” so God’s Word is honored.
Question: Do you apply these principles as you keep your home?
📖 READ – 6 Simple Ingredients That Will Make a Happy Home
Wrapping It Up
Homemaking is just what it sounds like: making a home. As a Christian wife, you want to create a welcoming home life for your husband and kids. One that you manage so well you can put their interests first and still have time to conduct your own business.
It is the heart of biblical homemaking. ◻️
Related Posts
- 5 Quotes That Will Inspire You to Create a Home You Love
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Now It’s Your Turn
Thank you for reading my post. Now it’s YOUR turn to chime in. What are your favorite Bible verses for wives? How do they help you understand your homemaker role?
Let’s fill the comments with friendly conversation. Scroll down to leave a reply, ask a question, or just say hello. And if you liked this post, please give it a share.
Blessings, Annette
📋 NOTE – You are reading “5 Bible Verses for Christian Wives and Homemakers.” An earlier version appeared on Blogger in 2013. It has been updated for the Savoring Home community.
Hi, thanks for writing this! I’m a single man who committed to biblical masculinity and the pursuit of marriage. With that said I’ve found that a large amount of godly women my age don’t know or either don’t desire these good principals as good or godly or even joyous. Why do you think this is? I would love some advice.
Hi, Christian. Thanks for your comment!
I think women have traditionally found great joy – and a sense of purpose and accomplishment – as wives, mothers, homemakers. But the feminist movement has influenced many women to abandon their God-ordained roles … even in the church.
Men and women are equals before God, both bearing His image. However, God calls men and women to fulfill different roles and responsibilities. Only as we obey Him – and His design for us – are we able (in the fullest sense) to give Him glory.
God’s intended design for women can only be found in Scripture, such as the verses I’ve shared in this post. His design for men is also found in the Bible, so that’s where I’d seek advice!
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood is another good resource. Their website covers many topics that might interest you, such as manhood, marriage, husbands, fathers, and leadership.
Thank you again for your interest, and Merry Christmas!
I happened to fall upon this page in my search for what scripture says about being a homemaker. Some years ago, God put this word in my spirit and I initially didn’t like that He did. Later, my heart softened to the idea of being a homemaker in modern day times. I am an educated, single woman who has a desire to be married. I fully embrace the path of becoming a homemaker in the near future as I marry and become a mother. Thank you for this post.
Hi, Jessica. I’m glad you found my page during your internet search, and I hope it was helpful. Thanks so much for your comment!
Hello! I too found this while searching the internet for Bible verses on being a good wife. I fail at this role on a daily basis BUT the Lord is good – and working on me. I appreciate the underlying tone of your post that submissive doesn’t mean passive. Blessings from Canada!
Hi, Adelaide. I’m so glad to “meet” you here! Thank you for the read and comment.
This is very encouraging and helpful. I am commenting from Vancouver BC Canada.
Thanks, Victoria, and welcome to Savoring Home! I’m happy to hear you enjoyed my post for Christian wives and homemakers – and so glad you found encouragement. God bless!
Annette, you are a true blessing to many. God bless you for blessing me.
Hi, Victoria. Thank you for the encouragement!