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Building a Marriage That Will Last a Lifetime: What is the Secret?

How Can You Build a Marriage That Will Last a Lifetime?

Can marriage today last a lifetime? It can and should. But the rate of breakups in America is high; half of all first marriages end in divorce. And the failure rate for second, third, and fourth marriages is higher still.

This is true even for Christian marriages.

And what is a Christian marriage? It’s a husband and wife who commit to each other and Christ. The Bible says a cord of three strands is hard to break (Ecclesiastes 4:12).

Marriages unravel when couples fail to keep their eyes on the Lord. So how can you build a marriage that will last a lifetime? What is the secret?

Let’s find out!

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Building a Marriage That Lasts

Marriage is not only about a husband and a wife. It is a gift from God. And a main factor in marital strength is the love a couple has for the Giver.

A Cord of Three Strands

A cord of three strands – husband, wife, and Christ – is the secret to a lasting marriage.

{ Note – My cousin wrote A Cord of Three Strands, love letters from across the centuries. This book makes a great gift for newlyweds – or any couple who wants to strengthen their marriage. }

Dr. James Dobson wrote more on the subject in Building a Marriage That Lasts. When I saw this FREE resource on Family Talk, I grabbed it for my digital library.

Building a Marriage That Lasts is a short eBook, but it’s full of biblical wisdom and practical advice. It will help you:

  • learn the difference between marital love and infatuation;
  • discover the top marriage killers and how to avoid them; and
  • explore the fundamentals of a healthy, Christ-centered relationship.

Click here to download the eBook to read with your spouse. Then pass it on to your married and engaged friends. This resource is FREE, but the content is priceless as you learn to build a marriage that will last a lifetime.

More Marriage Resources

Building a Marriage That Will Last a Lifetime: What is the Secret?

Now It’s Your Turn

Thank you for reading my post. Now it’s YOUR turn to chime in. Are you married? If so, how are you building a marriage that lasts? What has made the biggest impact so far?

Let’s fill the comments with friendly conversation. Scroll down to leave a reply, ask a question, or just say hello. And if you liked this post, please give it a share.

Blessings, Annette

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Annette R. Smith
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