Happy Friday, my friend. As we head into another glorious weekend, tell me: Are you happy with your home? Is it clean and cozy, warm and inviting? Is it spotless?
I love a clean home, and I can spend hours cleaning mine – making things “perfect” in case someone visits. But you know what? People don’t care whether my home shines or not, as long as they feel welcome.
A sweet poem is circulating online. An invitation to stop cleaning, at least for now, and do something else instead. Sounds good, right? Take a moment to read some poetry, and let it inspire your day.
Here’s a poem for inspiration.
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Dust if You Must: A Poem
“Dust if You Must” is a poem by Rose Milligan. As you read her words, think of ways to find balance in your day – a happy balance between housework and home life.

“Dust if you must,
but wouldn’t it be better
to paint a picture or write a letter,
bake a cake or plant a seed,
ponder the difference between
want and need?
“Dust if you must,
but there’s not much time,
with rivers to swim
and mountains to climb,
music to hear and books to read,
friends to cherish and life to lead.
“Dust if you must,
but the world’s out there
with the sun in your eyes,
the wind in your hair,
a flutter of snow, a shower of rain.
This day will not come around again.
“Dust if you must, but bear in mind, old age will come and it’s not kind.
And when you go – and go you must – you, yourself, will make more dust.”
The Poet and The Lady
Several blogs and other social media quote “Dust if You Must” as inspirational poetry. Some websites credit the poem to Anonymous or Unknown Author. Others cite Milligan as the poet.
There is little information about Milligan online. I learned from my research that she is from Lancashire, a maritime county in North West England. Her county town of Lancaster lies on the banks of the River Lune.

Milligan’s poem appeared in the 21st edition of The Lady, a magazine “for elegant women with elegant minds.” It first appeared on September 15, 1998.
Published in London, The Lady has been in continuous circulation since 1885. It is “widely respected as England’s longest running weekly magazine for women.”
The magazine is notable for classified advertising for child care and domestic services. It also has extensive listings for residential and holiday properties.
Every issue contains commentary, reviews, fashion news, food ideas, gardening tips, and more. You can find select content online for free.
Interested in a paid subscription? Amazon sells the Kindle edition for your e-reader or mobile device. The annual subscription costs $65 and comes with a 28-day free trial.
Must You Dust?
If you’ve followed my blog for a while, you know that savoring home involves making a home. But it’s not about keeping it spotless. Housework plays a part, of course, but it’s only a part.
Savoring home is really about loving your home – the people, the place, the everyday life you’re called to. There is beauty in your daily world, but you have to slow down to see it.
Is housework on your agenda this weekend? Scrubbing, mopping, vacuuming, dusting? Dust if you must, but remember: The world’s “out there.” So make time to explore it. To appreciate the glory and grandeur of God in everything around you.
Read a book, call a friend, walk in the sunshine, or tour a museum. Take a trip to a faraway place, if only in your imagination. Life is short, so make the most of your moments.
The dusting can wait. ◻️
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- 5 Quotes That Will Inspire You to Create a Home You Love
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Now It’s Your Turn
Thank you for reading my post. Now it’s YOUR turn to chime in. How much time do you spend cleaning your home? What could you be doing instead?
Let’s fill the comments with friendly conversation. Scroll down to leave a reply, ask a question, or just say hello. And if you liked this post, please give it a share.
Blessings, Annette
đź“‹Â NOTE – You are reading “Must You Dust? Something to Ponder at the End of the Week.” An earlier version appeared on this blog in 2017. It has been updated for the Savoring Home community.