Easter is the most important day on the Christian calendar. It’s the reason we can know God in a personal way. To help you prepare for the holiday, I’ve gathered my favorite posts for an Easter roundup.
Before we get to that, let’s consider a quote by Noël Piper. She’s the wife of pastor John Piper and the author of Treasuring God in Our Traditions. Visit Desiring God for the free ebook.
“We reveal to ourselves and others what is important to us by the way we celebrate,” she wrote. “Let’s think of ways to be prepared, to be waiting for Easter.”
Let’s think of ways to celebrate.
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A Reason to Celebrate
Have you thought about Easter this week? How to prepare for, wait for, and celebrate the holiday? What does it mean to you?
Is Easter a hassle to get to the shopping mall or supermarket? A financial burden of new clothes, toys, and groceries for Sunday dinner? Another family holiday filled with anxiety and stress?
Or is Easter a festival of happiness? Do you spend the season thinking about God and how He is working in your life? Do you think about Jesus – His life, death, and resurrection?
Easter shouldn’t be a time of worry or frenzy. It’s a lovely time of year that symbolizes new life and new beginnings. Easter is the perfect time to remember, reflect, and rejoice:
- We remember the low points of sin and the high points of victory;
- We reflect on what God did for us through His only Son (John 3:16);
- We rejoice that we have a way – the ONLY way – to God (John 14:6).
Now, that’s something to celebrate!

An Easter Roundup
That Church Conference conducted a poll of pastors and found something interesting. Half of the pastors surveyed are just now starting to plan for Easter. Have you made YOUR Easter plans yet?
There’s still time to prepare for the holiday – to ponder and pray and get to the heart of Easter. If you feel like you’re behind, check out the free and low-cost resources in my Easter roundup.
Let’s dive in.
1. Prepare Your Heart for Reflection
Easter celebrates the new life God gives us when we put our faith in Christ (Ephesians 2). As you make those holiday preparations, also ready your heart to reflect on the cross.
📖 READ – 7 Awesome Ways to Prepare Your Heart for Easter
2. Focus on Jesus’ Resurrection
Easter centers on Christ’s resurrection and God’s indescribable love for us (Romans 5:8). This devotional will help you recognize the blessings of the cross.
📖 READ – Blessings of the Cross: 40 Powerful Easter Devotions
3. Experience True Easter Joy
Easter brings us true joy as we ponder the holiday’s real meaning. This devotional will help you experience joy as you think about salvation (2 Corinthians 9:15).
📖 READ – Celebrate Easter With a Free Victory Devotional
4. Celebrate the Hope in Christ
The death and resurrection of Jesus is the main event of our faith. Without the cross, we would die in our sins – forever separated from God. This devotional celebrates our hope in Christ.
📖 READ – Sacrifice and Salvation: 8 Lovely Easter Devotions
5. Enjoy Some Family Fun
Easter is an AWESOME time for families. Egg hunts, a bunny brunch, colorful crafts to brighten your home – the season is chock-full of fun. Here are 9 ways to enjoy the holiday with your family.
📖 READ – 9 Fun Ways to Prepare Your Family for Easter

Now It’s Your Turn
Thank you for reading my Easter roundup. Now it’s YOUR turn to chime in. Why do you celebrate Easter – and how do you prepare for the observance?
Let’s fill the comments with friendly conversation. Scroll down to leave a reply, ask a question, or just say hello. And if you liked this post, please give it a share.
Blessings, Annette
📋 NOTE – You are reading “Easter Roundup: 5 Resources to Prepare You for Easter.” This post was published earlier and has been updated for the Savoring Home community.