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Feeling Stressed Out? How to Respond When the Pressure is On

Feeling Stressed or Worn Out? How to Respond Under Pressure

Are you feeling stressed, tired, or worn out? What stresses you the most? What causes stress for the people around you – your family, friends, and colleagues? And how can you respond under pressure?

Susan Lenzkes conducted an informal poll to find out.

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Who is Susan Lenzkes?

Susan Lenzkes is a speaker, Bible study leader, and author of more than a dozen books. Her writing also appears in the Women’s Devotional Bible.

“Lenzkes’ devotionals comfort like a warm hug,” one reader wrote. “With a unique combination of humor and depth, she shares wisdom from the Word and her personal experiences to address everyday life issues.”

Issues like stress.

What Causes Stress?

To answer this question, Lenzkes polled a sampling of people – men and women – across the country. She shared her findings in Sunshine and Storms. Her piece “The Pressure’s On” inspired this post.

Let’s do a short exercise to help you understand why YOU are feeling stressed. It won’t take long. Grab a pencil and something to write on. Then list five challenges you face today. When you’re done, compare your list to the list below.

See any similarities?

Many of the people Lenzkes polled experienced the same life stressors. Here are the top ten:

Feeling Stressed or Worn Out? How to Respond Under Pressure
  • Money problems
  • Work-related issues
  • Illness or pain
  • Relationship troubles
  • Criticism and rejection
  • Red lights and traffic
  • Watching the news
  • Noisy neighbors or pets
  • Calendars and clocks
  • Cell phones

Some respondents experienced stress for other reasons. Bad attitudes, indecision, procrastination, and feelings of inadequacy are four examples. Lenzkes thinks these reasons are closer to the heart of the matter.

Stress Versus Pressure

Lenzkes said we often confuse “stress” with “pressure.” It’s helpful to understand the difference. Here’s how she explained it in Sunshine and Storms.

Consider the poll results. The first list – annoyances, difficulties, and interruptions – highlights the pressures we experience. But the second list is different. It describes our reactions to those pressures.

Stress occurs when external pressures collide with our unhealthy, internal reactions. Things like bad attitudes, unrealistic expectations, and resistance to change.

Change From the Inside Out

When we understand that stress is a reaction to pressure, we see our need for change. And this change must occur from the inside out. This often adds “more stress because we know [we can’t change] our own hearts,” Lenzkes wrote.

But God can. In fact, it’s His job to change us. Our job is to:

  • trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6)
  • rest in the Lord (Psalm 62:5)
  • allow Him to work in us (Philippians 2:13)

The next time we’re feeling stressed, let’s remember this. We’ll be better able to respond to life’s pressures as we change from the inside out. ◻️

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Feeling Stressed or Worn Out? How to Respond Under Pressure

Now It’s Your Turn

Thank you for reading my post. Now it’s YOUR turn to chime in. How do you react when you’re feeling stressed? What will you do different after reading this post?

Let’s fill the comments with friendly conversation. Scroll down to leave a reply, ask a question, or say just hello. And if you liked this post, please give it a share.

Blessings, Annette

📋 NOTE – You are reading “Feeling Stressed Out? How to Respond When the Pressure is On.” A version of this post appeared on Blogger in 2015. It has been updated for the Savoring Home community.

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Written by
Annette R. Smith
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