Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday have been around for a while. A few years ago, a new one joined the list: Giving Tuesday. Have you heard of it?
Amid the holiday spending that follows Thanksgiving is Giving Tuesday. A day reserved for helping others. Today, I’ll share the story behind Giving Tuesday, plus tips to help you help others.
Let’s begin.
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What Is Giving Tuesday?
Giving Tuesday is a yearly charity campaign that encourages generosity. It’s one of five unofficial “holidays” that kick off the Christmas shopping season:
- Thanksgiving Day
- Black Friday
- Small Business Saturday
- Cyber Monday, and
- Giving Tuesday.
The first four encourage you to spend (and ostensibly save) money. But Giving Tuesday encourages you to do good – with money, skills, time, or advocacy.
Giving Tuesday refers to the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, this year on November 29. It also refers to charitable giving on ANY Tuesday. The hashtag #GivingTuesday is common on social media posts.
The History of Giving Tuesday
Henry Timms established Giving Tuesday in 2012. The event was born at the 92nd Street Y and the Belfer Center for Innovation and Social Impact in New York City. The United Nations co-founded the initiative, with support from BLK SHP (Black Sheep).
Today, Giving Tuesday is an independent nonprofit and global movement. It celebrates generosity in all its forms: time, talents, resources, advocacy, and more. It reminds us that everyone has something to give, and every act of generosity counts.
The Global Reach of Giving
What began as an idea in 2012 – a day that encouraged people to do good – has grown into a worldwide phenomenon. At the grassroots level, participation occurs in every country in the world. 2020 was a record-breaking year for giving, and last year was also successful.
“Giving Tuesday is joyful even at the darkest of times,” said Asha Curran, the nonprofit’s CEO. An “extraordinary show of generosity lit up the world against a backdrop of a dark two years.”
“From every corner of the globe, there are countless amazing stories,” she said. “Of kindness, connection, and community.”
How Can You Help Others?
Whether it’s working for a cause, helping out a neighbor, or making someone smile – we all have something to give. Identify YOUR gift, choose a cause you love, and give back. Here are 15 ways to help others on Giving Tuesday or any time of year:
1. Adopt a Family
Adopt a family and give them a Christmas to remember. Lighthouse Family Network has a Bright Light Tree program for foster families. Much like the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program. Soldier’s Angels helps support military and veteran families.
2. Give Blood
There is no substitute for human blood. The decision to donate your blood could save a life. Find a donor center or a Big Red Bus and schedule your appointment today.
3. Give Kindness
Sometimes a kind word is all you need to start a wave of generosity. Go beyond a social media “like” and offer positive feedback an gratitude to as many people as you can. For more ideas, see Tip #15 below.
📖 READ – 50 Ideas for Acts of Kindness or Kindness Ideas
4. Give Money
Donate to a nonprofit or ministry whose work aligns with your beliefs and values. Two I like: Best Friends Animal Society and Our Daily Bread Ministries. Don’t forget about your church and community-led organizations. They need your support, too.
5. Give Nourishment
Volunteer at a local food bank, or as a delivery driver for Meals on Wheels. Donate healthy canned goods and other non-perishable food to your church food pantry. Get together with friends and create a Little Food Pantry.
6. Give Skills
Use your gifts, talents, and skills for good. Teach a dance or yoga class. Lead a sing-along at library story time. Use your social media marketing skills to help a nonprofit. Spread one hour of generosity on Giving Tuesday. What can you give in an hour?
7. Give Thanks
Write a letter to someone who has helped or encouraged you. Send a thank you note to a teacher or mentor. Give a thank you gift to a caregiver. Leave a basket of goodies for delivery and postal workers.
📖 READ – 6 Easy Ways to Make Thank You Notes Fun for Kids
8. Give Time
Giving your time helps you connect with like-minded people to make an immediate impact. It’s also good for your health and well-being. If you’re not able to leave your home, you can be a virtual volunteer right from your couch!
9. Give Voice
Post about your favorite cause on social media, and use the hashtag #GivingTuesday. Text 10 friends and family members to tell them about the event. Visit a council meeting or call your elected officials to support social services.
10. Help Animals
Donate money, food, blankets, or newspapers to your local animal shelter or rescue. Collars, leashes, and pet toys are welcome, too. Drop off a can of tennis balls for instant joy! Consider adopting a pet, or become a pet foster parent.
11. Help Neighbors
Help a sick or elderly neighbor with yard work and other chores. Surprise a new mom with a casserole, or offer to babysit for an hour. Organize a rent relief program, or pay someone’s utility bill. Start a community garden or similar project.
12. Help the Earth
Join Tuesdays for Trash and clean up your little corner of the world. Plant a tree, or donate to One Tree Planted. Organize a park or beach clean up. Commit to “reduce, reuse, and recycle” – and share with others how you’re doing it.
📖 READ – America Recycles Day: Keep America Beautiful in Your Hometown
13. Help the Homeless
Deliver essentials to people without a home. Start with non-perishable food and bottled water. Add lip balm, sunscreen, and bandages. Include socks, feminine hygiene products, and hand wipes. Don’t forget about blankets, gloves, and hand warmers for cold weather.
14. Lead a Community
Bring sweeping generosity to your community. Organize a Giving Tuesday event of your own. Learn how to start and grow a movement in your city or for your cause.
15. Pay It Forward
Buy coffee for the person behind you in line. Leave a gift card at the gas pump. Tell someone they dropped a dollar, even though they didn’t – then give them a dollar. Leave quarters at the laundromat. Leave a glowing online review for a business you love. Here are 45 more ideas for paying it forward.
Final Thoughts
There you have it – the story of Giving Tuesday, plus 15 ways to help others. “Each small act turns a ripple into a wave of good,” said Asha Curran. It “[transforms] society and [builds] the world we all want to live in.”
Together, we give. And together, we make a difference. ◻️
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- 9 Good Ways to Give Back, Even When Times Are Hard
- Black Friday: What Is It, and How Can It Save You Money?
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Now It’s Your Turn
Thank you for reading my post. Now it’s YOUR turn to chime in. How will you participate in Giving Tuesday this year? In what way/s can you share your generosity with others?
Let’s fill the comments with friendly conversation. Scroll down to leave a reply, ask a question, or say just hello. And if you liked this post, please give it a share.
Blessings, Annette
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Photo Sources
- Bongkarn Thanyakij | Canva | License
- Giving Tuesday | Media Kit