We’re halfway through 2020, and what a year it’s been so far. From shutdowns for social distance to protests for social justice. Add money woes to the mix, and you have a stressful year.
📢 UPDATE – This post highlights an earlier version of Master Your Money. The NEW 2023 edition goes on sale January 16. Read more here.
Now is a good time to assess everything in your life, including your financial goals. Are you still on a work furlough? Nothing makes a shutdown or layoff more scary than a dwindling bank account. What if you could master your money like never before?
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Feeling the Money Crunch
Two years ago, my husband took early retirement for medical reasons. Then my Appen contract ended shortly before the virus outbreak. This one-two punch made our wallets hurt!
We had also put our house on the market a few weeks earlier. Thankfully, our house sold in short order, and we were able to pay off our mortgage and consumer debts.
Today, we live on my husband’s retirement benefits plus whatever I earn from my online work. It’s a challenge, with less discretionary income than we had before. But we’re debt free for the first time in years, and it feels great!
Getting control of our money did a world of good for my stress levels, and I want the same for you. Enter the Master Your Money mini bundle. The Ultimate Bundles team created the bundle for such a time as this.
Master Your Money
Master Your Money comes from people who learned how to manage their money without a windfall. Their income and expenses are all over the place. But they have one thing in common: real-life money saving strategies that work.
They know what it’s like to live in high-cost areas, parent big families, and enjoy little extras – even on a tight budget. Their expertise can help you pay off your debts, budget like a boss, save money, and reach your money goals.
Here’s how.

The Bundle at a Glance
The Master Your Money mini bundle is a digital library of personal finance resources. It covers categories like defeating debt, increasing income, and saving money. It also looks at the money mindset. Here are the details:
- Product: Master Your Money Mini Bundle
- Start Date: Monday, June 1, 2020 (8:00 am ET)
- End Date: Friday, June 12, 2020 (11:59 pm ET)
- Price: $19.99 + $8.00 for cheat sheets
- Content: 21 digital resources
- Category: Personal finance
- Value: $514.95
I bought my bundle last week, and while I haven’t seen everything yet – so far, so good. Especially the money mindset tools, since I sometimes struggle with a “broke” mentality.
I also like Kerry Beck’s book with its fun title. Biblical Money Management: What to Do with a Rolls Royce Lifestyle, When You Live on a Honda Paycheck. Don’t YOU want to know?!
I’ve said it before, but Ultimate Bundle resources can be life-changing. As we enter the second half of 2020, I’m eager to tackle this mini bundle to master my money and reach my goals. Are you?
Reach for Your Goals
How would your life change if you could get a handle on your finances? If you were debt free and growing wealth? The Master Your Money mini bundle can help you do just that.

It features 21 digital resources you can download, save, read, and print. You get 9 eBooks, 6 eCourses, 3 videos, and 3 printables. That’s a $500 bundle for only $19.99!
And these are quality products. One example is Money Talks: The Ultimate Couple’s Guide To Communicating About Money.
Written by Talaat & Tai McNeely, it helps you open the lines of communication with your spouse. Learn how to align your financial goals together, as a couple.
{ Note: If you want a print edition of this book, Amazon sells the paperback for less than $10. }
No matter what happened during the first half of 2020, it’s not too late to change the second half of the year. Learn how to handle money in a way that helps you reach your goals. Then, when the next stressful event hits, you won’t worry about money.
Sound good? Jump start your money goals NOW with the Master Your Money mini bundle. Here’s to an awesome financial future for both of us! 🥂 ◻️
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📢 UPDATE – This post highlights an earlier version of Master Your Money. The NEW 2023 edition goes on sale January 16. Read more here.
Now It’s Your Turn
Thank you for reading my post. Now it’s YOUR turn to chime in. What’s your biggest financial goal for 2020? What steps will you take today to achieve your goal?
Let’s fill the comments with friendly conversation. Scroll down to leave a reply, ask a question, or say just hello. And if you liked this post, please give it a share.
Blessings, Annette
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