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What Is the Best Way to Start and End Your Day?

What Is the Best Way to Start and End Your Day?

What’s the best way to start and end your day? How about with morning and evening prayers? Daily prayers are a good habit to develop; they strengthen your relationship with God.

Prayer can – and should – happen every day. The Bible commands us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Or, as someone once put it, “pray your way through the day.”

But keep in mind that prayer is a relationship, not a transaction. It’s a conversation between you and God. Prayer is connecting with Him – speaking, listening, and responding.

Do YOU have a connection with God?

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How Is Your Prayer Life?

I hope you have a daily quiet time for prayer and worship. I often pray throughout the day. Sometimes it’s a scheduled time for focused prayer. Other times, it’s a simple “Help me, God” or “Thank you, Lord.”

There are no “perfect” words to pray, no best time, no correct posture. Rather, the Bible emphasizes the posture of the heart – an attitude of humility before God.

Today, I’m posting two prayers for you. Morning and evening prayers to start and end your day. May they inspire your prayer life as you build your relationship with God and grow your faith.

Bookend Your Day in Prayer

Morning prayer helps you seek God’s plan for your day. When you reach out to God, He meets you wherever you are … to give guidance, comfort, strength, and encouragement.

Prayer: The Ultimate Conversation

Evening prayer eases stress and gives you peace before bedtime. When you connect with God at night, He reveals the blessings in your day.

A notecard from In Touch Ministries inspired the morning and evening prayers below. If you are not a subscriber, sign up now.

A subscription gives you access to FREE devotions, newsletters, magazines, and other resources.

You also get the In Touch Store, filled with books (and other items) for your Christian walk.

Prayer: The Ultimate Conversation is a good one to explore. It’s a definitive book on prayer by Charles Stanley, the founder of In Touch Ministries. I like his books and recommend them.

A Prayer to Start Your Day

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for another day. As it begins, my soul sings Your praise. I’m so grateful You love me and Your presence surrounds me.

I don’t know what today holds, but I know You hold my day. Show me Your will, and give me courage to follow it. Give me grace and wisdom to handle whatever comes my way.

You are my refuge and strength, my shelter and strong tower. With You by my side, I will not be shaken.

Thank you for giving me salvation through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Let my words and actions reflect His light to a watching world. And may my life this day give You glory.


What Is the Best Way to Start and End Your Day?

A Prayer to End Your Day

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for watching over me today. You protected me from darkness and filled my life with goodness.

I am grateful for Your blessings, big and small. What a joy it is to be Your child and bask in Your grace!

As today draws to a close, forgive me for the ways I fell short of Your glory. Help me grow in my relationship with You.

All through the night, Your glory shines over the earth. Give me peace and rest as I sleep – and another tomorrow filled with Your presence and love.


Bonus: A Free Prayer Guide

Want more help connecting with God?

Ronnie Floyd is the pastor at Cross Church in Northwest Arkansas. “Communication with God is your spiritual destination each and every day,” he said. But you need a plan to help you reach it.

The Crosswalk website team created a FREE prayer guide for your daily spiritual journey. “10 Morning and Evening Prayers” is a good way to grow closer to God.

Click here for the free prayer guide.

More Quiet Time Resources

An evening prayer to end your day

Now It’s Your Turn

Thank you for reading my post. Now it’s YOUR turn to chime in. How do you start and end your day? What are your favorite morning and evening prayers?

Let’s fill the comments with friendly conversation. Scroll down to leave a reply, ask a question, or just say hello. And if you liked this post, give it a share.

Blessings, Annette

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Annette R. Smith
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