Did you wait to file your income tax return this year? It’s important to wait for key documents before you submit your return. But with the tax deadline looming, it’s time to pay your taxes – or get a refund, if you’re eligible.
In the United States, April 15 is the traditional Tax Day – the day your return is due to the federal government. This year, you have until April 18 to file, but there are exceptions. For example, there are extensions for residents in states affected by severe weather.
Then there is state income tax. If you live or work in a taxing state, check with your state for the filing deadline. Most state deadlines align with the federal government, but some states set their own schedules.
You’re in good company if you waited to do your taxes. Nearly 25 percent of Americans wait until the last two weeks of tax season to file their returns. If you’re struggling to meet the deadline, see these last minute filing tips.
But what if the deadline is not your problem. Maybe you’re grappling with the whole concept of taxes? If so, keep reading. For a Christian, paying taxes is a calling and a command.
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Taxes Are a Part of Life
Are you worried about paying your taxes this year, in the current economic climate? Are you puzzled by taxes or fearful of taxation? You’re not alone. Even in biblical times, people worried about paying taxes.
In past years, I also worried. Then I read a post by Chuck Bentley of Crown Financial Ministries. “Even Jesus Had a Tax Man” offers some good food for thought – and a little encouragement, too.
Taxes in Biblical Times
Tax references in the Bible “sound strangely relevant” today, said Bentley. He recalled the story of David and Goliath, when a teenage boy battled a giant with only a sling and a stone.
Did you know that a tax incentive was part of David’s prize? Read 1 Samuel 17:25. “The king will give great wealth to the man who kills [Goliath] … and will exempt his family from taxes in Israel.”
Governments can abuse their taxing authority. Yet, Paul urged respect for our leaders and the role they play in society. “Not only because of possible punishment, but also as a matter of conscience (Romans 13:1-6).”
Even Jesus noted that taxes are a part of life. “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s,” He said (Mark 12:17). And Matthew, one of His twelve disciples, was a tax collector.
Taxes in America Today
Here’s something to consider. Ten percent is the tithing standard for personal giving in American churches. Yet, Americans pay up to half their income in government taxes. Fifty percent!
“Pharaoh only took 20 percent of the grain in Egypt as a form of taxation during the good years,” noted Bentley. “It’s worth debating whether the [government] should take such a large bite of our resources.”
Yet, he offered some good advice based on Ecclesiastes 1:9. “Pay your taxes, treat authorities with honor, and know that nothing new is under the sun – not even the IRS.”
Wrapping It Up
“God calls us to pay taxes – not to approve of everything our tax money pays for,” said the Ligonier Ministries team. Paying your taxes is not a sign that you endorse everything the government does with your money. Rather, it’s a way to answer God’s calling and fulfill His command.
So gather your documents, pay your taxes, and file your return. Thank God for your job and His blessings. Then you can smile and breathe a sigh of relief that the process is over. Until next year, anyway. ◻️
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Now It’s Your Turn
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Blessings, Annette
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- Alfexe + Francesco Ridolfi / Getty Images | Canva | License
Did you meet the tax deadline this year? If you need more time to file after the new July 15 deadline, you can request a filing extension. Click here for details or here for additional coronavirus tax relief.