Barbara Johnson was a popular Christian author and speaker. She was best known for her trademark wit and humor. I first discovered her writing in a collection of devotions called Hope for the Woman’s Soul.
Before she lost her battle with cancer, Johnson handled adversity by using her experiences and faith to help others. “Cares are the tools that God uses to fashion us for better things,” she wrote.
He uses our setbacks and struggles to move us forward.
As we go through life, we all face problems and challenges. We live in a fallen world, so we can’t escape them. But it’s SO encouraging to know God can use even our troubles for good (Romans 8:28). For our benefit and His glory.
Do you need encouragement today? Help trusting God in the hard times? In this post, I’ll share seven practical ways to trust God, even in the setbacks and struggles.
Let’s get started.
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When it Rains, it Pours
Mitch and I will celebrate 15 years of marriage next month. During our first five years together, we endured more setbacks than you can imagine. Two car accidents, job loss twice, six moves, major surgery, medical bills, legal fees. This, paired with climbing child support obligations, left us in desperate financial straits.
“When it rains, it pours” the saying goes, and we definitely know it. Dealing with one setback was hard enough, but facing a deluge – well, it caused a lot of stress and discouragement. We had to learn to trust God, even when we didn’t understand what was happening or why.
Fast forward ten years, and things look better today. We can breathe a little easier. But we still face struggles. New problems surface when we don’t expect them, and more troubles are sure to come. That’s life.
Still, it amazes me how God works things out. Always. For our good and His glory. That’s the promise of Romans 8:28. And if things don’t happen in the way we expect, it’s because God has a better plan.
How can we trust God as we wait for His plan to unfold?

7 Practical Ways to Trust God
We all want to trust God. When life is good, it seems easy. But when times are hard, it’s even more important to trust Him. Trusting God means believing in His Word, power, strength, and reliability. He can’t lie, and He always keeps His promises (Numbers 23:19).
When Jesus felt overwhelmed, He went straight to His Father. God created us in Christ’s image, so let’s follow His example. Here are seven practical ways to trust God, even in the setbacks and struggles:
1. Seek Biblical Truth
You need somewhere to go when you’re overwhelmed and unsure. The best place to go is His Word. The Bible records the response of God when His people experienced problems. It reminds you that He is faithful whatever your circumstances.
The truth of God’s Word frees you from thinking you can earn your salvation(John 8:32). And it frees you from unrealistic projections when you’re worried or anxious. If you don’t seek biblical truth in the hard times, it is easier to believe the lies about your life and God.
{ Need a new Bible? Here’s one I can recommend. To hear God’s Word read aloud, check out this audio Bible. }
📖 READ – Prayer Tips: 11 Ways to Focus When You Pray
2. Confess Your Unbelief
When you face a problem or challenge, pray to God and be honest. Tell Him how you feel and where you struggle with trust. Agree that He is trustworthy and His Word is the truth. But tell Him when it’s hard to believe, too.
When your thoughts and feelings don’t align with His truth, confess your unbelief. Ask Him to help you believe that what He says is true. God hears ALL your prayers and answers them. He wants to grow your faith.
3. Practice Gratitude
When you’re in the midst of hard times, your problems can seem all-consuming. It’s hard to see past them to the good things in life. But God’s grace is everywhere. In your waking up each morning. And the sunshine in your day. In a cuddle with your cat. And the phone call from a friend.
Don’t let complications overshadow the good times. Even in your struggles, God shares His will and shows you how to respond. “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
📖 READ – 15 Thanksgiving Quotes That Will Inspire Gratitude and Joy
4. Share Your Concerns
In Philemon 1:6, we see Paul encouraging a fellow believer. “I pray that the fellowship of your faith may become effective through the knowledge of every good thing which is in you for the sake of Christ.”
You don’t have to face hard times alone. God is with you every step of the way, and He gives you other people to walk with. Fellow believers who can remind you of His character, pray for you, and support you.
5. Spend Time With God
God is bigger than your problems. You already knew this, but it’s a good reminder. While hard times seem to last forever, they’re only temporary. The Lord is with you in good times and bad. He is always faithful.
Don’t let your circumstances shape your relationship with God. Allow Him to shape your view of the circumstances. Spend time alone with Him every day. Establishing a quiet time when life is good will help you continue seeking God during times of trouble.
📖 READ – 7 Reasons Why You Need Quiet Time With God Every Day
6. Walk in the Spirit
If you trust Jesus as your Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit lives in you (John 14:16-17). He is your comforter, guide, and constant helper. He points you to Jesus and reminds you of the truth.
When times are tough, walk close with the Spirit. He will teach you and lead you to act in obedience (John 14:26). He will guide you and show you the next steps. God will make a way when you can’t see one.
7. Wait on the Lord
Although the Spirit will give you direction, sometimes the best thing you can do is wait. Keep seeking the Lord, but wait on His timing. Wait for Him to do what you can’t do for yourself.
Waiting on God reminds you that you are not in control. God is bigger than your circumstances, remember? He can solve your problems. As you wait on the Lord, He will sustain you and grow your faith (Isaiah 40:31).
📋 RECOMMENDED – Turn your heart to the Lord and trust His strength in this difficult time. Get a FREE copy of Bill Crowder’s eBook, Trusting God in Hard Times.
Wrapping Up
Life is unpredictable, with ups and downs along the way. Things can change in a flash. But God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. What’s more, He always keeps His promises. He is worthy of our trust.
I hope these practical ways to trust God are helpful to you. Here’s one more tip: Memorize Romans 8:28 and remember it the next time you face a problem or challenge. Know that if things don’t go exactly as you want, it’s because God has a better plan.
Johnson summed it up best. “Even if our cares aren’t resolved as we wish … even if we finally have to admit life in this world will never be the same or predictable … [we might discover it’s because] we were made for another place.” A better place. ◻️
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Now It’s Your Turn
Thank you for reading my post. Now it’s YOUR turn to chime in. How do you handle the setbacks and struggles of life? What will you do different the next time you face a problem?
Let’s fill the comments with friendly conversation. Scroll down to leave a reply, ask a question, or say hello. And if you liked this post, please give it a share.
Blessings, Annette
📋 NOTE – You are reading “7 Practical Ways to Trust God, Even in the Setbacks and Struggles.” An earlier version appeared on Blogger in 2013. It has been updated for the Savoring Home community.
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