God often speaks in a “still, small voice” to get our attention or guide us on the right path. Sometimes, He speaks in a soft, life-changing whisper. Are you listening for His voice?
“If God speaks with a quiet voice, you need to have a quiet time and place to hear Him,” said longtime pastor Adrian Rogers. “If you’re around a lot of furor and hubbub and noise, and somebody is whispering, you’re not going to hear Him.”
Do YOU have a quiet time with God – a regular appointment for Bible study, prayer, and reflection? Do you schedule a set time and place to talk to Him and listen to Him?
Quiet time with God helps you build a relationship with Him, one you can nurture and develop the rest of your life. Today, we’ll look at seven reasons why you need quiet time with God every day.
Let’s get started.
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What is Quiet Time With God?
Quiet time with God is just as it sounds: time spent alone with Him. Some people call it heart-to-heart or one-on-one time with God. Others call it “daily devotions,” “personal Bible study,” or “morning watch.”
Whatever YOU call it, quiet time with God is the best way to have an authentic relationship with Him. Champions of the concept point to Luke 5:16, which says Jesus often “slipped away to pray.”
Devotions and prayer can, and should, be part of your time with God. But your main goal is intimate fellowship with Him. Think of your time together as delight (Psalm 37:4) rather than discipline or drudgery.
Pastor Henry Blackaby put it this way: “Try not to think of the time you spend with God as a duty. The purpose of quiet time is for you to get to know God.
“As you come to know Him, you can walk out of your special times with God enjoying a living relationship with Him.” A relationship “you can cultivate all day long – throughout all your life.”

Why You Need Daily Quiet Time
Having a quiet time is important because it lets you hear from God without the distractions of daily life. It can set the tone for your entire day. If you need some motivation, here are seven reasons to schedule quiet time with God every day.
1. Quiet Time Clears Your Head
Look at the top of your browser window, or the taskbar at the bottom of your desktop. Are there too many tabs open? You might think you’re multitasking, but Mental Floss said you’re actually “task switching.”
The premise that multitasking is productive is a myth. Trying to do several different tasks at once is actually counterproductive. And it can be very overwhelming.
Our brains don’t work like that. The mind hops from one thing to another, and we lose focus each time we shift our attention.
If you’re like me, your brain has too many tabs open! Simultaneous thoughts and ideas compete for your attention. A mounting to-do list floats around in your head.
You need some quiet time to shut down the noise and distractions. Quiet time helps you clear your head so you can think straight. It sets your focus on God so you can connect with Him and build your relationship with Him.
2. Quiet Time Feeds Your Soul
Is taking care of your family more chore than joy? Are you tired, bored, or disconnected at church? Have you lost your spiritual drive?
You need more time alone with God.
Meeting with God every day refuels your soul, said well-known pastor Charles Stanley. Quiet time prevents you from getting overwhelmed or burned out. It changes your approach to God from detached, intellectual, and “religious” to relational.
Writing for Changing Times, Stanley mentioned several by-products of a healthy devotional life. In his thinking, daily quiet time has three important benefits:
- a sense of accountability to God
- a motivation to keep sins in check
- an incentive to repair relationships
As with any relationship, communication is the key to fellowship with God. Without a devotional life, you’ll struggle to have faith, joy, and strength in the Lord.
3. Quiet Time Grows Your Faith
Want to have a stronger, deeper faith? You need stronger, more courageous thinking. This usually involves changing your perspective.
What you think affects what you believe. And what you believe affects how you respond. To grow in faith, stop focusing on what you CAN’T do and start focusing on what God CAN do. When you turn your attention away from your problems to God’s power, it’s easier to act in faith.
Daily quiet time grows a strong faith. When you spend time alone with God, ask Him to quiet your heart and fill your mind with truth. His Word – even when it’s a soft whisper – will nourish your soul and grow your faith.
4. Quiet Time Lowers Your Stress
We live in a pressure cooker world, all steamed up and ready to spew! From low-grade pressures of life to unexpected troubles – stress affects us all to some degree.
Your days, like mine, are full to the brim with stimulation – physical, mental, emotional, social. The seeming constant demands of life can steal your energy and joy.
You need some quiet time with God.
Time alone with Him – in prayer and thanksgiving – is the best way to ease the pressures of life. What’s more, it holds an awesome promise of peace (Philippians 4:6-7):
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
5. Quiet Time Gives You Rest
Think about how it feels to get a good night’s sleep. You feel rested, relaxed, and rejuvenated the next morning, right? Quiet time with God can help you feel this way, too.
Staying busy at home or work tires you in more ways than one. After a rough-and-tumble day with your kids or colleagues, you might feel super tired. With unrelenting physical fatigue and mental exhaustion.
Quiet time relaxes your mind and body, providing the rest and peace God wants for you. In the midst of your hectic days, take some time to slow down, be still, and know God (Psalm 46:10).
6. Quiet Time Helps You Model Christ
Jesus often went to a quiet place to pray. “In the early morning, while it was still dark,” says Mark 1:35. “Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place” to pray.
Luke 5:16 says, “Jesus Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray.”
If Jesus needed time alone with God, it stands to reason we need time with Him, too. If we say we abide in Christ, we should walk in the same manner He did (1 John 2:6). Having quiet time with the Father helps us model the Son.
7. Quiet Time Helps You Know Him
What kind of relationship do you have with God? Is He a distant, impersonal deity, or a close personal friend? God designed you to relate to Him. He gave you a spirit that can communicate with His Spirit.
When sin entered the world, it killed everyone in a spiritual sense. Sin disconnected us from God. But Jesus paid the penalty for sin with His death (1 Peter 2:24).
For those of us who trust in Jesus as our Savior, our spirit is reborn. Christ re-established our connection with God. But He “doesn’t want our interactions with Him to end at salvation,” said Charles Stanley. “That’s where they begin (emphasis mine).”
God’s ultimate goal for you is to have an intimate relationship with Him. He wants to spend time with you, and He wants you to know Him. That’s the reason you exist. After all, as the Westminster Shorter Catechism puts it:
Wrapping Up
Life is often hectic and chaotic. Sometimes we deal with fear, frustration, and uncertainty. But God is a God of peace. He speaks to us with a voice of love and assurance. Can you hear Him?
Quiet time takes you beyond the noise and distractions to a deep, rich fellowship with God. As you talk to Him and listen for His voice, you build a relationship with your Creator. One you can cultivate every day, for the rest of your life.
How awesome is that? ◻️
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Now It’s Your Turn
Thank you for reading my post. Now it’s YOUR turn to chime in. How often do you spend time alone with God? What will you do different after reading this post?
Let’s fill the comments with friendly conversation. Scroll down to leave a reply, ask a question, or say just hello. And if you liked this post, please give it a share.
Blessings, Annette
📋 NOTE – You are reading “7 Reasons Why You Need Quiet Time With God Every Day.” An earlier version appeared on this blog in 2020. It has been updated for the Savoring Home community.