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Scripture and Encouragement for Every Day of the Year

A Word of Scripture and Encouragement for Every Day of the Year

Do you know someone who could use a word of scripture and encouragement every morning? Are YOU that someone? An inspirational perpetual calendar may be just what you need.

A perpetual calendar has months and dates, but no day of the week. That makes it something you can use every day for years to come. DaySpring has an immense collection of perpetual desktop calendars. With themes that range from prayers and quotes to Bible trivia.

With more than 60 calendars to choose from, you can find the perfect gift for anyone on your list. Plus, one for you! Each calendar is a work of art filled with uplifting messages – on quality paper, with a padded cover. With a price under $15, they’re affordable, too.

If you’re looking for daily inspiration, a DaySpring perpetual calendar is a great option. This post highlights three desktop calendars for your consideration. Let’s take a look.

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Scripture and Encouragement

Each of the following calendars has 366 pages of scripture and encouragement. Look them over, and see if one meets your needs. I’ve included a Bible verse and sample text in the descriptions.

1. “One Minute With God”

Are you often distracted and unable to focus? When you live every day under God’s sovereignty, no moment is useless – or untouched by His hand. One Minute With God invites you to take one minute each day to hear God’s voice and experience His presence. Whether it’s your first, last, or very spontaneous minute of the day.

A Word of Scripture and Encouragement for Every Day of the Year

One Minute With God – Perpetual Desktop Calendar


Romans 8:38-39 – “I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


Sample text: April 21 – “When you face big questions, remember this: It is not yours to worry. It is yours to trust, and receive His peace.”

📖 READ – Prayer Tips: 11 Ways to Focus When You Pray

2. “Because of Jesus, Today is Your Best Day”

As a child of God, you can rest in His presence, draw from His strength, and live with joy and peace. Because of Jesus, the cross, and so much more – today is your BEST day! Start each day with these encouraging truths. Walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).

A Word of Scripture and Encouragement for Every Day of the Year

Because of Jesus – Perpetual Desktop Calendar


Philippians 2:8-9 – “Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. For this reason also, God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name.”


Sample text: April 4 – “Jesus, in His humility, left His exalted place in heaven and came to a lowly place on earth. Through His obedience of humility God raised Him up, exalted Him to the highest place, seated Him at His right hand … and gave Him a name above all names.” 

📖 READ – 7 Practical Ways to Trust God, Even in the Setbacks and Struggles

3. “Fear Not: What the Bible Says About Living a Fearless Life”

In some parts of the Bible, the words for “do not fear” and “fear of the Lord” are the same. But how can you be fearless AND reverent at the same time? The Fear Not calendar encourages you to trust God and live without fear.

A Word of Scripture and Encouragement for Every Day of the Year

Fear Not – Perpetual Desktop Calendar


Deuteronomy 10:17 – “For the Lord your God is the God of gods and the Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God who does not show partiality nor take a bribe.”


Sample text: April 29 – “The [Hebrew] word yare’ [when referring to God means] fearsome and awesome in the Bible. Each word may conjure a different feeling in us. But the intention is the same – our God is a God of amazing, awe-inspiring power.” ◻️

📖 READ – Stifled by Fear? Walk in Faith and Believe in Your Dreams

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A Word of Scripture and Encouragement for Every Day of the Year

Now It’s Your Turn

Thank you for reading my post. Now it’s YOUR turn to chime in. Where do you find daily inspiration – your Bible? A devotional? Will you use a perpetual calendar for scripture and encouragement?

Let’s fill the comments with friendly conversation. Scroll down to leave a reply, ask a question, or say just hello. And if you liked this post, please give it a share.

Blessings, Annette

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Annette R. Smith
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