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10 Easy Ways to Share the Gospel on Halloween Night

10 Easy Ways to Share the Gospel on Halloween Night

How can we love our neighbors and honor God on Halloween? On a night when the neighbors knock on our door and ask for gifts, how can we show them the greatest gift of all?

Today, we’re talking about Halloween evangelism.

Halloween is controversial for Christians. I also think it’s a missed opportunity to share the gospel. Instead of focusing on our disagreement, why not use Halloween to glorify God and love His people?

We can be a light in the darkest of nights.

This post highlights ten easy ways to share the gospel on Halloween. Practical and creative ways to love your neighbors, honor Christ, and have a lot of fun in the process. And yes, there are tips for Halloween evangelism.

So let’s dive in.

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Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

Should Christians celebrate Halloween? That’s the dilemma we face every year. There are many articles online that address this subject. Some discuss the merits of participating in Halloween as a Christian. Others warn of the dangers of a holiday rooted in paganism.

Most writers land somewhere in the middle.

Nathan Busenitz teaches historical theology at The Master’s Seminary. He also serves in a fellowship group at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California. In this interview, he offers his perspective on Halloween.

📖 READHow to Handle Halloween When You Are a Christian Parent

Halloween Night Evangelism

Whether you agree with Busenitz or not, here’s what we know. Christians can choose whether (and how) we observe Halloween. We are free to live according to our convictions and without judgment. God knows our heart and motives (Proverbs 21:2).

Without getting into a debate, I have ten ideas for sharing the gospel on Halloween. But first, here are some details up front:

  • I am a Christian who loves the Bible, my Savior, and His Holy Spirit.
  • I admire my husband for his street corner evangelism and door-to-door witnessing.
  • I realize not everyone has this gift, but we can all find a way to evangelize.
  • God calls us to love our neighbors (Mark 12:31) and share the gospel (Mark 16:15).

This Halloween, don’t hide at home with the curtains drawn and the porch lights off. Be bold with the gospel (Acts 28:31) and “light the night” in your neighborhood. Now, more than ever, the world needs Jesus.

10 Ways to Share the Gospel on Halloween

The following tips can help you shine a light in an otherwise dark night. Halloween night evangelism has the potential to reach a large number of people. Some families will hear or read the gospel for the first time and accept Jesus as their Savior.

Isn’t it wonderful how God can use us in this way?

Children are eager for trick-or-treat, so make the holiday fun for them. And remember, we please the Lord when we witness for Him. So “go into all the world and preach the gospel” (Mark 16:15).

1. Show Neighborly Love

Halloween evangelism starts with a show of neighborly love. What does this mean in practical terms? It starts with simple care and upkeep.

Mow and edge the lawn. Sweep the walkway to your front door, and keep the path well-lighted. Mark the spots where tree roots grow or the concrete is uneven, so trick-or-treaters don’t trip.

If you decorate your home for Halloween, don’t use scary props or sound effects. Families of young children will skip your home if it’s too spooky. If they don’t come to your door, they will miss what you have to share.

Smile when you open the door, and be generous with candy and treats. Talk to the children and comment on their costumes. These small but meaningful actions will reflect Christ to your neighbors.

2. Wear a Bible Costume

Why not dress up as a biblical figure (or concept) on Halloween? It’s fun to see the your neighbors’ reactions when you open the door in costume. Plus, it gives you a chance to talk about your character as you share the gospel on Halloween.

Wearing a Bible costume can also teach your kids about the history and culture of biblical times. They might even want to wear Bible costumes, too.

There are tons of Halloween costume ideas for Christians. Whether you buy a Bible costume or make your own, you can get creative. Here are a few costume ideas:

To get very creative, dress your family as the animals on Noah’s ark. Or the “big fish” from Jonah, one of the ten plagues of Egypt, or spiritual armor.

Dressing up as a Bible figure or concept may not lead to someone’s salvation. But it’s a great conversation starter. It’s also a way to steal some attention from the dark side of Halloween – back to where it belongs.

📖 READHow the Spookiest Day of the Year Came to Be

3. Hand Out Gospel Tracts

Not everyone is a fan of gospel tracts. Many people won’t read them. But, like my mom said when I was a child, “God’s word will not return void” (Isaiah 55:11). He can, has, and does use Bible tracts to draw people to Him.

Charles Spurgeon spoke on the power of gospel tracts. “There is a real service of Christ in the distribution of the gospel in its printed form,” he said. “How many thousands have [gone to heave on] the wings of these tracts, none can tell.”

Your neighbors are ringing your doorbell for gifts, so why not bless them with the good news of Christ? Every year, Mitch and I try to keep some Halloween evangelism tracts on hand. It’s so easy to drop one into a trick-or-treat bag.

Make sure you back up the tracts with some great candy and other goodies. Full-size candy bars, Twinkies, and juice boxes really stand out. So do non-food treats such as bracelets, pencils, and fidget toys.

We have a generous God. Let’s make sure our Halloween giving reflects His generosity.

📖 READGenerous Servings – Ice Cream, Generosity, and the Grace of God

4. Use Witnessing Stickers

Instead of distributing gospel tracts, hand out candy bars with witnessing stickers attached. Amazon sells a variety of colorful Halloween stickers, like the Jesus is Light pack.

Or round up the children and get creative with handmade stickers. Engage your kids by getting them to help you with Bible verses. Ask them what they want their friends to know about Jesus, then write it down on adhesive labels.

5. Serve Coffee to Parents

As you engage with trick-or-treaters on Halloween, don’t forget about the parents. Set up a card table and decorate it with a fall theme. Then, set out a large coffee urn and paper cups for the adults.

Serve coffee, cider, hot chocolate, or bottled water. Home-baked goodies are a nice thought, but people are wary of non-packaged treats. So have a basket of packaged pastries.

As you supervise the refreshments, introduce yourself to the parents and make conversation. This could open the door to a new relationship.

We should be gracious to our neighbors because God is gracious to us (Colossians 4:5-6). Be a generous giver, and always be ready to share the gospel on Halloween.

6. Go Reverse Trick-or-Treating

Reverse trick-or-treating flips the timeless Halloween tradition on its head. Instead of knocking on doors expecting to take – visit your neighbors with something to give.

What better way to display God’s grace?

Candy bars, treat bags, and dessert certificates to restaurants are good gift ideas. Make sure to include a handwritten note with scriptures and a gospel tract. Tell your neighbors why you are happy to give on Halloween.

Reverse trick-or-treating is a wonderful teaching opportunity for your children. But don’t tell them taking candy is wrong. After all, you don’t want them to associate the gospel with not getting candy.

Don’t rob your neighbors of the joy of giving, either. If they give you a treat, be genuine in your gratitude. Generosity blesses the giver and the recipient. Reversing tradition is just a different way to show God’s love.

Halloween Themed Cellophane Treat Bags

7. Send Halloween Care Packages

Send Halloween care packages to your neighbors, or place them at their front door. This secret giving mission is a little like “booing.” If you’re not familiar with this, a Halloween boo is a little treat or gift from an anonymous giver.

After you are “booed,” you hang a ghost picture on your front door to let others know you received the surprise. Then, you deliver a gift to someone else’s home – while staying anonymous, of course.

Sending Halloween care packages is not a pay-it-forward game. It’s just a way to share the gospel and have fun on Halloween. After all, who doesn’t love a surprise?

Amazon sells several Halloween boo kits, as well as assorted treat bags. Along with candy, include a gospel tract or invitation to visit your church.

8. Share the Pumpkin Gospel

When I married Mitch, I became the stepmom of a teenage boy who had outgrown trick-or-treating. I used to teach preschoolers, and I was a public librarian for many years.

But I had not heard of the Pumpkin Gospel. Not until I started to research the ways Christians interact with Halloween. Now that I know more, it looks like a fun way to share the gospel with children.

The Pumpkin Gospel (or Pumpkin Parable)is an object lesson that uses a pumpkin, candle, and Bible. At first glance, it seems to mingle the gospel with worldly ideas.

But it actually illustrates the central theme of Christianity. It tells the story of Jesus – His birth, death, and resurrection.

If you don’t have a pumpkin to carve, Amazon sells a little glow-in-the-dark board book for little ones. Use it to teach your kids how God changes us into new creations to shine for Him.

9. Celebrate Reformation Day

Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses on October 31, 1517. That act propelled the Protestant Reformation. It has become popular in recent years for those with reformed minds to reject Halloween in favor of Reformation Day.

Reformation Day explores the roots of Protestant Christianity. It highlights distinctives such as the priesthood of believers and the Five Solas. The five solas state that Christians are:

  • saved by grace alone,
  • through faith alone,
  • because of Christ alone,
  • as revealed by Scripture alone,
  • to the glory of God alone.

Some Christians celebrate Reformation Day instead of Halloween; others observe both. As a form of Halloween evangelism, throw a Reformation Day party. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors.

Prepare a short but thoughtful explanation of Reformation Day that non-believers can follow. Working it into casual conversation will go over better than a long presentation. But it’s your party. 😉 Have a good time with your guests, and do what works best as you share the gospel on Halloween.

10. Witness to Your Children

If God has blessed you with children, always focus on them first. Outreach is important, but don’t neglect to teach your own kids while you share the gospel with others.

A popular quote says, “If we don’t teach our children to follow Christ, the world will teach them not to.” Because “the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one” (1 John 5:19, NKJV).

Teach your kids about Jesus – His life, death, and resurrection. (Share The Pumpkin Gospel.) Read the Bible to your children and help them memorize scriptures. Remind them of God’s love, and nurture their faith.

At the same time, tell your children why and how you reach out to others. Pray with them for your neighbors. Get your kids involved on Halloween by letting them hand out candy and tracts.

Ground your kids in biblical truth, and prepare them to share the gospel. Practice what you preach, and model a Christ-centered life for them.

Wrapping It Up

Those are a few ideas to help you share the gospel on Halloween. But don’t stop there. Ask God for other, more creative ways to practice evangelism. With His wisdom and guidance, you’re bound to find many ways to share God’s love on Halloween. ◻

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7 Easy Ways to Share the Gospel on Halloween Night

Now It’s Your Turn

Thank you for reading my post. Now it’s YOUR turn to chime in. Does your family share the gospel on Halloween? How do you engage your neighbors at this time of year?

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Blessings, Annette

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Annette R. Smith
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