Everyone loves a good joke, especially kids. For anyone with a corny funny bone, there are tons of silly jokes to get your family ready for Halloween. So many, it’s downright spooky!
While Halloween jokes abound, ghost jokes 👻 are in a category of their own. You might be looking for them right now, especially if your kids dress up as ghosts for Halloween.
Today, I’m sharing 31 silly ghost jokes, puns, and riddles to tickle the funny bone. They’ll have your family in stitches during this scary season and beyond.
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10 Silly Ghost Jokes
- Why do ghosts hate rain? Because it dampens their spirits.
- Why are ghosts such terrible liars? Because you can see right through them.
- What kind of street does a ghost like to live on? A dead end.
- How do you know when a ghost is sad? He goes boo-hoo.
- What does a ghost do to stay safe in a car? Wear his sheet belt.
- Why did the policeman let the ghost go? He couldn’t pin anything on him.
- Why are little ghosts so successful in Little League? They have team spirit.
- What is a little ghost’s favorite dinosaur? A terror-dactyl.
- What kind of mistakes do little ghosts make? Boo-boos.
- Why was the ghost embarrassed? He had a boo-ger.

11 Silly Ghost Puns
- A ghost’s motto is “eat, drink, and be scary.”
- A ghost’s favorite dessert is ice scream.
- Ghost children know not to spook unless spoken to.
- Ghost children like to play hide-and-go-shriek.
- The comedian ghost had everyone in stitches – he was dead funny.
- Dull ghosts are so boo-ring.
- Ghosts stay safe by buckling their sheet belts.
- Ghosts buys their clothes at a boo-tique.
- The ghost went to the theater to see a phantomime.
- Are you a ghost? Because you look like my boo.
- A ghost got lost in the fog and now he is mist.
10 Silly Ghost Riddles
- If you’re in a creepy house and hear an unusual sound, it might be this apparition who is often floating around. What is it?
- Some people believe in me and others don’t. At night I roam around and sometimes I float. If you hear a noise coming from the ground, run and hide from my creepy sound. What am I?
- If you see one of these in a haunted house at night, this specter of someone who died is bound to give you a fright. What is it?
- If you stay in a haunted house, make it your main mission to make it through the night and avoid this apparition. What is it?
- You are in a room and a ghost in the room. But you’re the only one in the room. How is this possible? (You are the ghost!)
- It might look like a white sheet draped over someone, but beware of this spooky thing. It might be best to run! What is it?
- Specters from the past, present, and future alight. They teach Scrooge lessons on Christmas night. Who are they?
- Though I wander the earth, I am no longer here. I am pale and I chill everyone who is near. What am I?
- I’m a shadow of the living, a specter of the dead. People often fear me when they’re lying in their bed. What am I?
- I float, I wail, I go through walls. I’m also transparent, you see. What am I?

The Funny Jokes of a Ghost | Ghost Jokes for Kids | Ghost Jokes: Funny Halloween Jokes
Children and Humor
Humor is universal for all ages. Researchers at the University of Bristol studied how humor develops in young children. The Early Human Survey found babies can appreciate humor by two months of age – with games like peek-a-boo.
Most two-year-old children can tell something is funny, even when they don’t “get” a joke. They almost always react to physical humor. But they base their reactions to verbal humor on the body language and vocal cues of adults.
It takes a more sophisticated mindset to appreciate puns. Most kids don’t get puns until around the second grade. But punning is good for them – it grows their flexible thinking and problem-solving skills.
Wrapping It Up
I hope you enjoyed these silly ghost jokes, puns, and riddles. Share them with your children. They’ll tickle the funny bone AND the mind. And they’re a fun way to prepare for Halloween.
Tuck a joke-a-day in your kids’ lunchboxes to make them smile at school. They’ll enjoy telling the jokes to their friends. And if you know any fun and silly ghost jokes, please share them in the comments. ◻️
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Now It’s Your Turn
Thank you for reading my post. Now it’s YOUR turn to chime in. How does your family get ready for Halloween? How might you use these silly ghost jokes, puns, and riddles?
Let’s fill the comments with friendly conversation. Scroll down to leave a reply, ask a question, or just say hello. And if you liked this post, please give it a share.
Blessings, Annette
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