Did you know that women make up half the American workforce? Many of them are Christian wives and mothers. Maybe you’re one of them, or ready to join their ranks.
But should you work outside the home?
That’s a common question, and one for the ultimate guidebook – the Bible. As shown in Titus 2:3-5, the apostle Paul gave instructions on the role of women.
He called on older women to encourage young women to love their husbands and children. To be kind, self-controlled, and busy at home. To live in a way that glorifies God.
The decision to work outside the home (or at all) requires diligent thought and prayer. Today we’ll look at 10 questions to consider as you tend your career garden, wherever it grows.
Let’s dig in!
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Should Christian Women Work?
Working wives is a controversial topic in Christian circles. Some people think all women are free to pursue outside employment. Others believe it is wrong for married women to work, especially when there are children at home.
It might surprise you to learn that God does not forbid women to work. In fact, many women in biblical times – even wives and mothers – worked for extra income.
The Proverbs 31 woman, for example, had a business that likely took her away from home at times. Yet, she knew where her priorities lied.
Do you have a job that adds to the household income? Are you looking for work, but not sure which path to take? As you wrestle with career decisions, consider them in light of God’s Word.
Consider where your garden grows.
Your Primary Role and Calling
Proverbs 31 describes your main role as a home manager. It’s a high calling – and more important to your family than anything you can do away from home.
That’s not to say it is wrong to work. If you have a job, be grateful for the work. The extra income is a blessing in this economy. Just make sure your life (and ministry) centers on home.
Review your budget and home life. Share your concerns with your husband, and enlist his help in your career decisions. Pray about your options, and ask God for guidance (Proverbs 3:5-6).
He will help you tend your career garden, wherever it grows.

10 Questions to Ask Yourself
Are you having trouble finding God’s will for your life? Do you know where your garden grows? Here are ten questions that can help you tend your career garden, whether you work in the home or away from it.
{ Note: The inspiration for this post came from A Wife After God’s Own Heart by Elizabeth George. Her book helped me focus on God’s priorities for my life, and it can do the same for you. }
1. Why do you work outside the home?
Is it because your husband wants you to work – or because you want to work? What are your motives? It’s important to understand your reason for having a job.
2. Have you talked to your husband?
Do you want to quit your job to become a full-time homemaker? Pray about it and ask God for wisdom to approach your husband. Remember Esther, and wait for the right moment to bring it up.
3. Have you considered your options?
Many stay-at-home wives and moms earn income from home. Have you considered all your options? If you need some ideas, here is one way to make money online.
4. Will your goals allow you to stay home?
If it’s not possible to quit your job right now, work with your husband to make it a goal. Downsize your home, cut expenses, pay off your debts, or step down to a part-time job.
5. What can you cut from your life?
Speaking of downsizing, how can you streamline things so you can hold a job AND manage your home? Give up some of your commitments so you can nurture your family relationships.
6. How can you manage your time better?
In order for your life to run smoothly, you must become an expert in time management. Read books, take classes, and learn to work smarter instead of harder.
7. How is your relationship with God?
Your relationship with God will energize your work in or outside your home. Spend time with the Lord every day, in prayer and Bible study.
8. Do you have the right perspective?
Think of your job as “something else I do,” said George. Your work is important, but it is NOT your identity or primary focus. Remember, your God-given assignments are at home.
9. Do you pray for your husband?
God hears your prayers, and He can move your husband’s heart. Pray for your husband and trust God to make a way for you to stay at home.
10. Do you focus on God’s priorities?
God determines your priorities. His Word says you are to love God, your husband, your children, your home, and the church – in that order.
God wants you to acknowledge His priorities as you tend your career garden. This means that your home – the people and the place – will always take precedence over a job.
The Bible doesn’t forbid you from working outside the home, but it does spell out your priorities (Titus 2:3-5). Follow these biblical instructions, and focus on your home and family.
If you can work and still provide a loving environment for your family, then it’s fine to have a job. But employment always comes second to your true calling – your marriage, family, and home. ◻️
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Now It’s Your Turn
Thank you for reading my post. Now it’s YOUR turn to chime in. Where does your career garden grow? How do you juggle your work life and home life, while maintaining your God-given priorities?
Let’s fill the comments with friendly conversation. Scroll down to leave a reply, ask a question, or just say hello. And if you liked this post, please give it a share.
Blessings, Annette
📋 NOTE – You are reading “10 Questions That Can Help You Tend Your Career Garden” on Savoring Home. First published in 2020, it was updated in July 2023.
Yep, in the same way that food affects our growth. They need it to grow. Feed them the right kind and in the right amounts.
That’s right, Charli. All gardens – even our career gardens – need care and tending. I hope YOUR garden is thriving! Thank you for stopping by.