Do you dream of making money with your blog? Are you ready to take your blog to the next level? Want to turn your evening hobby into pro blogger success?
If you said “yes” to any of this, there’s a book I can recommend to you. Practical advice to improve your blogging, whether or not your goal is full-time income. But first, a word on blogging for a living.
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Is Blogging a Dream or a Scam?
Blogging for money is a common dream, but it also sounds like a scam. Leo Babauta of Zen Habits explained this in his post “How to Make Money From Your Blog With Integrity.”
Blogging is a dream job because you can write about your passions, interact with others, and work from anywhere. In your own time, at your own pace, in your own way.
Yet, it seems like a scam because so many people run blogs but few make decent money from it. What’s more, many bloggers are aggressive in their marketing – plastering ads across the pages, and selling hype.
So, what’s the deal? Is blogging a dream or a scam? And what about a saturated blog market? Is blogging for money even possible today?
Let’s find out.

Pro Blogging Takes Work
If blogging for money is something you’re passionate about, don’t let the questions deter you. Don’t believe the “blogging is dead” myth, either.
“The modern blogosphere might be saturated, and the scene might be crowded, but blogging is alive and kicking,” said Darko Radic on SERPwatch. In fact, the industry is thriving.
But if you want a full-time blogging career, put any “get-rich-quick” notions out of your mind. Generating an income from blogging is possible, even in 2022. But it won’t happen overnight.
As some bloggers say, “It’s a whole lot of work and a little bit of luck.”
As a Christian, I don’t believe in luck or chance. But I know blogging takes work – and so much more. Successful blogging requires time and patience, talent and skill, practice and discipline. It requires passion and determination.
Here’s where my book recommendation comes in. If you want to make money blogging, you need a strategy. A game plan. A roadmap that helps you navigate the blogging journey and achieve your income goals.
You need The 15 Success Traits of Pro Bloggers.
Pro Blogger Success Traits
Jonathan Milligan is a Florida blogger, author, speaker, and career coach. He founded Blogging Your Passion in 2011. According to his website’s “about” page, he has a heart for bloggers and a passion to help them succeed.
Milligan wrote The 15 Success Traits of Pro Bloggers to help bloggers like you and me succeed. Filled with tried-and-true blogging principles, his book focuses on mindsets, habits, attitudes, and more.
According to one Amazon customer, “[The 15 Success Traits of Pro Bloggers] is not a book about blogging, but a book about business.” Milligan provides a behind-the-scenes view of becoming a successful business based on blogging.
But his book isn’t for bloggers only. Another Amazon customer is an artist. She said Milligan’s book helped her return to a career in design and gain more focus on her art.
I read Milligan’s book when it was published in 2015. It changed my “inner game of blogging,” as he calls it. For example, it helped me understand that “consistency breeds momentum.” And that “everything is figure-out-able” with time and determination.
The 15 Success Traits of Pro Bloggers is available in audio, digital, and print editions. Check current prices now or read it for FREE when you subscribe to Kindle Unlimited.
Want to know more? Keep reading.

A Roadmap for Success
The 15 Success Traits of Pro Bloggers contains detailed tips to help you build your blog as a business. It also helps you learn more about yourself as a blogger. Here are some of the things that Milligan’s book highlights:
- The mindsets that separate pro bloggers from hobby bloggers
- The habits that all pro bloggers practice on a regular basis
- The systems that will move you from hobby blogger to pro
- A plan for creating your own “expert product wheel”
- A blueprint for sharing / teaching your passion online
- A visual image that summarizes pro blogger success traits
For ten years, Milligan has counseled, guided, and directed career professionals. During that time, he’s built a portable lifestyle business through blogging. Now, he teaches others to do the same.
If you want to make a living as a blogger, read The 15 Success Traits of Pro Bloggers by Jonathan Milligan. It can help you turn your passions into a profitable online business.
📋 FREE – For a limited time, you can get Milligan’s NEW book Your Message Matters for only the cost of shipping. Learn how to find the right niche for your unique situation, and make sure it’s profitable from the start. Read more here.
Wrapping It Up
Unless you’re a celebrity, building a successful money-making blog won’t happen overnight. It’s also unrealistic to think you can start a blog and earn enough money to quit your job in the first month – or even the first year.
Building a successful blog takes all that I mentioned above. Time and patience, talent and skill, practice and discipline. Determination and passion.
That’s why I recommend the The 15 Success Traits of Pro Bloggers. Milligan’s roadmap won’t guarantee a full-time blogging income, but his practical advise will improve your blogging and move you closer to pro blogger success. ◻️
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Now It’s Your Turn
Thank you for reading my post. Now it’s YOUR turn to chime in. How are you growing your blog and building your online business? What resource can YOU recommend for budding bloggers?
Let’s fill the comments with friendly conversation. Scroll down to leave a reply, ask a question, or just say hello. And if you liked this post, please give it a share.
Blessings, Annette
📋 NOTE – You are reading “Want to Be a Full-Time Blogger? You Need a Roadmap.” An earlier version appeared on this blog in 2017. It has been updated for the Savoring Home community.
Thank you. This one shows up as an audiobook on Amazon.